Gardiner | Maine, Maine

Looking for a fun and safe place to play bingo? Look no further than Gardiner, Maine! Our friendly community is the perfect place to enjoy a game of bingo. Whether you're a local or a visitor, you'll feel right at home at our bingo hall. So come on down and try your luck!

Bingo in Gardiner, Maine

By the numbers

Gardiner, Maine is a great place to play bingo. There are plenty ofoptions for bingo halls, and the payouts are good. I like to play bingo at the Elks Lodge. They have good food, and the staff is always friendly.

My experience

I have been playing bingo in Gardiner, Maine for years. I have never won a jackpot, but I have won some nice prize money. I always have a great time when I play. The people are friendly, and the atmosphere is always fun.

Fun facts about Gardiner, Maine

-Gardiner is the birthplace of Olympia Snowe, the first woman from Maine to be elected to the US Senate. -Gardiner is home to the first water-powered cotton mill in the United States. -The Gardiner Public Library is the oldest continuously operating library in Maine.

Bingo Halls in Gardiner | Maine