North Carolina

What is a bingo hall?
A bingo hall is just the name for anywhere you can play bingo! Some bingo halls may be just that, but in North Carolina, where bingo is almost always played for charity, lots of organizations host bingo games at their own venues, turning them into a bingo hall for the night! That means that your local bingo hall might also be your local church, veterans' club, or other social venue, and you never even knew it becomes a bingo hall once a week! The benefit of this is that when visiting a bingo hall, you'll be discovering and joining a part of your community that you might not have met before, and getting to know more about the charitable causes that operate in your area. Not to mention raising money for a good cause just by playing bingo, of course! There are also some commercial bingo halls in North Carolina as part of the casinos on reservation land. These commercial halls will offer higher stakes games, and will be more designed for bingo games, as this is their functional purpose. Choose whichever kind of hall you like- you're guaranteed plenty of bingo fun either way!
How does bingo work?
Bingo is the kind of game that looks super fast and complicated to watch, but as soon as the simple rules are explained to you, it suddenly all makes sense! Players get cards, on which there are 5x5 grids full of numbers from 1-75. The numbers you'll get on your card are random, and different for each player. During the game, numbers from 1-75 will be drawn and called, and you mark them on your card if you have them. The goal is to mark off all the boxes to match the winning pattern. The winning pattern could be something simple like a horizontal line, or a full house (every number). It could also be something more fun like a smiley face, an arrow, or a fish! Keep an eye on the boxes you need to mark to match the winning pattern for your game. If you are the first player to mark all the right boxes, immediately shout BINGO! This tells the bingo caller to stop because you have won, but you have to be quick! Often, if they start to call the next number before you 'bingo', your win is invalidated, so get ready to shout when you've only got one number left to mark!
How do I pick a bingo hall in North Carolina?
When you're ready to play bingo, it can be tricky to know how to pick a new hall to visit! Luckily, that's where BingoPort is here to help. Choosing a new bingo hall doesn't have to be stressful; it can be easy, straightforward, and more importantly, fun! The first thing to consider is location. You're in the right place for bingo halls in North Carolina, but it's no good looking at halls in Asheville if you live in Wilmington! Choose your nearest town from the list above, and you will be able to see all the bingo halls closest to you. If one immediately catches your eye, great! If not, you can take a look at BingoPort's listing pages for each venue to see what they offer. Do they open at a time that's convenient to you? Is there a nice restaurant next door that you'd like to try? Does one have refreshments available? See what's available, and get a feel for each venue to help you choose one or two to visit. You can always visit them all and pick a favourite!
What makes a bingo hall great?
Everyone will have different ideas about what makes a bingo hall 'great'. Some things are pretty universal- friendly staff, clean bathrooms, and so on, but some things are much more dependent on personal preference. This means that one player's perfect hall might not suit another player! The trick to finding a great bingo hall is to know what makes a hall good for you personally. This might be one that meets your needs, like disability access, a parking lot, or a smoking shelter, or it might be one that has amenities you'd enjoy, like drinks, hot food, or late opening. Think about what would make a bingo experience top-notch for you, and when you find a hall to match, there's your perfect bingo venue! It may not be everyone's favourite, but if it's the right venue for you, that's what matters!
Everything about gambling and the law in North Carolina
In North Carolina, very few forms of gambling are legal. The state is on the conservative side when it comes to legal gambling, and there are only limited ways to enjoy gambling as a pastime in North Carolina. There is a state lottery in North Carolina, which supports education with its profits. This is available to play in scratch card form or as a draw. In a similar vein, bingo is permitted, but only in support of recognised charities and it must be properly licensed. There is an exception called "beach bingo", which is very small stakes (prizes of $10 max) and can be run commercially. Casinos and commercial bingo games cannot be run in North Carolina, except for on reservation land. There are commercial casinos and high-stakes bingo games run by tribes in North Carolina, so these are always an option for those seeking somewhere to play.
Interesting Facts
- In 1903, the Wright brothers made the first controlled and sustained flight of an aircraft in Outer Banks, North Carolina.
- North Carolina's varied terrain means that it has a wide spread of elevation; the lowest is 0ft, sea level, at the Atlantic Ocean, and the highest is 6,684ft at Mount Mitchell.
- The 'Lost Colony' of Roanoke Island is a mystery that still intrigues people today. It is likely, though unconfirmed, that the inhabitants moved to the nearby Croatoan Island.
- No one is quite sure why NC is called the Tar Heel State, though historians suspect it is linked to the state's history of tar production.
- North Carolina has a talent for singing; more American Idol finalists come from North Carolina than any other state.