Annunciation Church
601 West Browning Road, Bellmawr | New Jersey, New Jersey, 08031
Phone: (856) 931-6307
Thursday from 18:30 until 20:00 |
Charitable bingo nights have often been held in two places in Bellmawr. The first is Annunciation Church on W Browning Road, and the second is the Bellmawr Fire and Rescue Squad, on Lewis Avenue. They have both held designer bag bingos, which serve as fundraiser events, and attracted great popularity. With jackpot prizes into the hundreds, both locations were a big hit with locals. The bingo event at the Fire and Rescue Squad building was incredibly popular, purely for more notoriety surrounding the name. Bellmawr doesn't have a large emergency services sector--so the men and women that do make up the services are known and highly respected. For this similar reason, people were very interested in donating to the charity event and doing what they could to support--even if they just turned up, paid for a bingo sheet, and only played one game. Anything is enough!
Local bingo halls will advertise the game in advance if it's a fundraiser. However, if it is a recurring weekly event then locals will already know about it. Online or physical flyers will display the location and time, and players turn up. Tickets to events can either be bought online through the venue's website or purchased at the door. (Sometimes venues have a no-door-purchase policy and only take pre-paid bookings, so make sure to watch out for that when considering your next bingo event!) Inside, a volunteer might take down names, and if you're a team for 4+, there might be a bigger table reserved. If you're a solo player or part of a duo, usually anywhere is great to sit! As long as you're part of the crowd, can hear the host or caller, and are in a good position to shout potential "Bingo!" from. Bingo games generally last ten minutes. The numbers called are randomised, unpredicted, thus eliminating potential cheating (although headlines have shown some have certainly been bold enough to try). Bingo amongst locals with a jackpot prize can get quite competitive. With a marker pen--or any sort of item to mark off your numbers--you follow the call of numbers. If a number is called that you have on your bingo sheet, great! Cross it off and hope you also have the next one! Eventually, one team or single player will win a line, which is the first part of the game. Any matching numbers can be crossed off if called, as long as they're in any sort of line in the grid. Then, moving on, players hope to be the first to get a full house: all the numbers crossed off on their bingo sheets! And, ta-da, "Bingo!" and you'll be one of potentially numerous winners.
Although the Fire and Rescue Squad's location is more known to locals--and likely easier to get directions from people if you're new to the area--the Annunciation Church is a great bingo hall to check out when they hold fundraisers. Located on West Browning Road, there are many food places available, like McDonalds, if you're hungry for some fast food before or after your game; bakeries, delis, a steakhouse, bars, restaurants, diners, plus a Mexican restaurant! Usually fundraiser events will provide refreshments--either bring-your-own sort of thing, or the venue will provide a service for catering. A lot of volunteers who run these kinds of events plan to cater with either sandwiches and other cold buffet food, or baked goods, or potentially hot food. Often, tea and coffee will be available for players. Of course, if not, the church is a great location to wander around afterwards if you're feeling peckish! However, if you don't mind a little further walking or driving, near the Fire and Rescue Squad are food places including a club diner, a pizza place, and a tavern. Refreshments is incredibly important to consider when choosing a location for an event like this!
To think of a potential checklist, an ideal bingo hall, especially to attract a population like Bellmawr of a considerable size, must have facilities to cater directly to the audience it wants to attract. If it's family-friendly, there must be some way to keep children entertained if they lose quick focus in the bingo games. Music can often be played in-between games, entertaining young adults and teens. Depending on the demographic attracted, older women might prefer specific music from specific decades, hits that will get them high-spirited and singing. Offering refreshments for either a small fee or free-of-charge would be beneficial to the charitable cause, attracting more people. Ensure a bingo hall has parking available and is public enough that designated smokers have a place for smoke breaks. With the locations Bellmawr offers, these amenities are definitely achievable.
In New Jersey, Atlantic City, there are different types of gambling. Lottery purchases are very popular, along with horse racing, off-track betting, charity gambling, and amusement games like slot machines and table games. In 2013, New Jersey announced online gambling, but this requires permits and physical stores to go hand-in-hand with online businesses. Any gambling or betting websites must have a store to go with their business.
601 West Browning Road, Bellmawr | New Jersey, New Jersey, 08031
Phone: (856) 931-6307
Thursday from 18:30 until 20:00 |
29 Lewis Avenue, Bellmawr | New Jersey, New Jersey, 08031
Phone: (856) 933-0400
Monday from 19:30 until 00:00 |