
What is a bingo hall?
A bingo hall is anywhere that holds a game of bingo. Because bingo in Hawaii is for fun only, and not for gambling, it can only be played socially. This means that bingo halls in Hawaii are not commercial bingo venues; rather, they are buildings that have another day job. Your nearest bingo hall could be your local library, school, or bar! Lots of places may hold fun bingo games to draw customers or create a sense of community amongst the local residents. Some places even hold family friendly games to get the kids out of the house and doing something exciting! However different these bingo venues may seem, they will all have a sense of fun and enjoyment if they are running social bingo games.
What happens in a bingo game?
If you've never played bingo before, or are just curious how a bingo game works, you could benefit from a quick run-through of how a typical bingo game tends to go. Here's what you can expect from your average game of bingo! It's always best to arrive a little early for bingo. You'll need to get some cards and find a seat, and you don't want to be rushing! If you're coming as a group, arriving early also makes it easier to guarantee you can sit together. Once you've arrived, you can chat to your fellow players until the game begins. When the game starts, the caller will ensure that everyone knows the winning pattern, whether it is a line, corners, a full house, or something quirkier like an arrow or a fish shape. The caller will then begin to draw numbers, shouting them out. Players daub off the numbers on their card when they are called, keeping an eye on the numbers they need to make the winning pattern. As soon as someone matches all the numbers they need to make the pattern, they must shout BINGO! This lets the caller know that someone has won, and to stop the game. Usually there is a little break between rounds, and then it's eyes down for the next game!
How do I pick a bingo hall in Hawaii?
When you're looking to play bingo, it can be tricky to know where to start when choosing a hall! Well, luckily, you're in the right place. BingoPort is designed to help players find their perfect hall for a fantastic bingo experience. We list bingo venues in thousands of towns in every state across the US, so that you can find a great place to enjoy a game of bingo. The first step to finding your new favourite bingo venue is to see which ones are close to you. Choose your nearest town from the list of Hawaii towns and you'll see all your nearest bingo venues! Whether you're on the island of Hawai'i, Maui, or Oahu, there's exciting bingo to be enjoyed near you. Take a look at BingoPort's listing for each hall to see what they offer, what facilities are available, and what the venue is like. You can even get useful info like the hall's address and contact details here! BingoPort aims to make finding your perfect bingo hall a breeze, so enjoy browsing. Once you've picked a hall or two that look good, give them a go!
What makes a good bingo hall?
In Hawaii, bingo is only played for fun. This means that when you're looking at what a bingo hall offers, you can forget things like big jackpots and prizes, and instead look for more social aspects. What makes a hall great will depend entirely on what you want from your bingo experience, as every player will have different preferences! A good bingo hall is one that meets all your requirements, so check out what each hall offers before you go. You might prefer a big, busy game with lots of new people to meet, or you might prefer a small, familiar game with a few regulars who play every time. Whatever you're looking for, you can find a hall to suit you and ensure you have a great bingo experience.
Is gambling legal in Hawaii?
In short, no- gambling is not legal in Hawaii. The state is hugely restrictive when it comes to gambling; only Utah matches it. No form of gambling is permitted in Hawaii; that includes casinos, slot machines, lottery, sports betting, and yes, even bingo. Not even charitable gambling is permitted! Hawaii's space is limited; they do not have endless land for more and more buildings, so they must decide carefully what they want to dedicate property to. Hawaii's industry is tourism, so it makes little sense for them to start building casinos and taking up valuable land that could support the tourism industry of the islands. There is some hope for bingo lovers though; bingo players can enjoy games socially, and games for fun do still run in Hawaii. This allows bingo players to enjoy the fun and excitement of bingo legally, without gambling their money.
Interesting Facts
- Hawaii is the only US state to commercially grow coffee beans, vanilla, and cacao.
- Dole, the fruit company, has a pineapple plantation on Oahu, and there is a 3 acre pineapple maze for visitors to explore.
- Snakes are actually illegal in Hawaii- the only place they are permitted is in zoos. As exhibits, that is... not as guests.
- Hawaii has its own time zone- Hawaiian Standard Time.
- Tonnes of TV shows have been filmed in Hawaii, including Magnum PI, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Inhumans, LOST, and of course, Hawaii 5-0.